RADAR Launch Bi-Weekly Roundup
Every 2 weeks we bring you the most interesting projects on Launch and whats been happening in the RADARverse.
This week in the RADAR Community, it's week two of RADAR's 10-week research sprint, and the community continues to diverge. They've now had 601 messages sent in Centaur Signal forums alone (yes, we counted!) and they held 2 campfire sessions diving into Our Centaur Future. The first session was an interactive workshop future-gazing in collaboration with ChatGPT, the second was an ideas workshop imagining a future where AI NPCs live amongst us.
Every week, they drop a newsletter exploring the future of human and machine. This week's topics include AI, longevity, end-of-life care, spirituality and AI, quantum computing, emotional intelligence, signals for futures we don't want, and more. Get access by signing up here.
In Launch
"Use Play to Build A Better Web, Together"
We're working with Kernel x BuildGuild to bring $10,000 worth of prizes on RADAR Launch in September and August. We'll be spotlighting, running imagination workshops, and collectively voting on prizes!
Here are some of the projects that have already started building a more playful future:
Wildfriendsgame is a platform for wildlife sanctuaries around the world to adopt Web3 technology to receive donations. Users adopt an NPC AI animal that mirrors its real-life behavior and can upgrade their habitats!
Our comment: What if this was the future of funding animal rescue homes and sanctuaries- low stakes, gamified, and virtual? Pushing it further, what if the environment itself was an ERC6551 world, with every asset in it an NFT? The more you donate, the more you can build the environment, all on-chain.
Cryptozagency is a first-of-its-kind DAO-RPG, where agents (as ERC6551s) encounter creatures, decide where the story goes next, and build unique IP in a community-governed entertainment franchise.
Our comment: We're extremely bullish on ERC6551s being the media vessels for storytelling data, and pushing it further, we imagine games and media ecosystems where by plugging your ERC6551 NPC in, you unlock unique gameplay, journeys, and opportunities.
CreatureKin by Samaritual aims to foster an emotional and socially supportive culture through wearable digital art. Their purpose is to ease stressful healthcare experiences by infusing warmth, humor, imagination, and artfulness into clinical routines.
Our Comment: As our physical and digital realities merge and cross the "reality thresholds," we'll become more comfortable with sharing personal moments with AR. This idea captures a future where we start to augment difficult physical experiences through visual and audio stimulation in digital.
That's all for now. If you or someone you know would be interested in creating a brief, prize pool, or Launch page to inspire builders towards your future, reach out.
Until then,